Account Information
Maps for Sale
- World
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- United States
- New England
- New York
- Mid-Atlantic
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- Southeast
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- North America
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- Polar Maps
- Curiosities
- Celestial & Space
- Celestial Maps
- Space Exploration
- The Apollo 14 Mission
- The Kodak Paper Photographs
- The Lunar Orbiter Program
- The Apollo 10 Mission
- The Apollo 15 Mission
- The Apollo 13 Mission
- The Apollo 12 Mission
The Apollo 9 Mission
The Apollo 8 Mission
The Apollo 4 Mission
The Apollo 11 Mission
The Apollo 17 Mission
The Apollo 16 Mission
The Apollo 7 Mission
The Gemini IV Mission
The Gemini 7 Mission
- Geological
- Unassigned
- Wars & Conflicts
- Globes & Instruments
- Atlases
The Ulm Ptolemy of 1482 and 1486
The Theatrum Orbis Terrarum
- The Rome Ptolemy, 1478-1509
- Ortelius's Parergon
- Civitates Orbis Terrarum: The Greatest City Book
- Chatelain's Atlas Historique
- Camden's Britannia
- Blaeu's Atlas Maior
- Münster's Cosmographia
- The Mercator-Hondius Atlas
- The Johann Koler-Georg Mack the Elder 1570A Ortelius Theatrum
De Jode's Speculum Orbis Terrarum
- Rare Books
- Fair
- RBMS FAIR 2021
- Prints & Drawings
- Native American & Indigenous
- Naval & Marine
- George Washington
- Natural History & Science
Birds of America: The Bien Edition
The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America: Imperial Folio Edition
A Newly Uncovered Cache of Natural History Watercolors Attributed to Johannes (Schoemaker) Schumacher and Possibly Associated with Colonel William Paterson
Selby’s Illustrations of British Ornithology
- Politics & Satire
- Portraits & People
- Photographs
Telephone: (858) 551-8500
Fascimile: (858) 551-0887
Gallery Address:
7407 La Jolla Boulevard
La Jolla, CA 92037
Gallery Hours:
Monday - Friday
By Appointment Only