Janss Investment Company promotional map, showing the New Belvedere Gardens and Union Pacific Industrial Tract.
The map shows the area immediately west of Bristow Park in East Los Angeles, more or less centered on the intersection between the 5 and 710 freeways, south of Telegraph Road. Includes numerous pencil notes.
The area was promoted for sale by the Janss Company beginning in about February 1921.
Lots facing on Telegraph Road and on Pasadena Avenue may have private res idences, apartments, double bungalows, flats, bungalow courts or stores to cost not less than $1500.
Lots facing on Rieker Avenue, John Street, McBride Avenue, Ocean View Street, Triggs Street and Dunham Street may have private residences only, to cost not less than $1200.
Building line twenty-five (25) feet back from property line. Temporary houses permitted to be placed not less than seventy-five (75) feet back from prop- erty line. Business places on Telegraph Road and Pasadena Avenue may be built to front property line.
All buildings, garages and fences to be painted or stained.
Racial Restrictions.
Subject to restrictions on regular form of contract.
Prices subject to change without notice. Terms 10% or more, cash; balance 1% or more monthly; 7% interest on deferred payments, payable quarterly; 5% cash discount if all cash paid within 60 days.Terms on Special Comers subject to approval of Janss Investment Co.
Property south of Dunham Street re- served, and subject to special terms.
Adjacent to the new business comer of Telegraph Road and Pasadena Avenue, and direct- ly opposite the big Union Pacific improvement, where it is announced millions of dol- lars will be spent for shops and yards, and thousands of men employed. Barely 25 minutes from Seventh and Broadway, and close to 5c Yellow Car line.
Janss Investment Company
The Janss Investment Company, one of the pioneer real estate firms in Los Angeles (1895 to 1995) is perhaps best known for having donated the land in Westwood which would become the campus of the University of California's southern branch (UCLA).
In 1911 Harold Janss married Arthur Letts' daughter Gladys. In 1923 after Arthur Letts, Sr. died, they took control of the 3,300-acre William Wolfskill ranch on Rancho San Jose de Buenos Ayres. In a deal to get the University of California, Los Angeles in 1925, Janss Investment Company sold 375 acres to the cities of Los Angeles, Santa Monica and Beverly Hills at the bargain price of $1.2 million - about a quarter of its value. The cities, whose voters had passed bond issues to pay for the site, turned around and donated it to the state. While the UCLA campus was being built, Janss Investment Company went to work developing the Westwood Village commercial area and surrounding residential neighborhoods.