Striking model of the solar system according to the theories of Tycho Brahe and Giovanni Battista Riccioli.
The main diagram shows Brahe's theory that the sun revolves around the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun. In the corners are smaller diagrams showing alternative theories for the movement and size of celestial bodies. The main diagram is surmounted by Apollo driving his chariot across the sky and surrounded by constellations of the zodiac. The chart was drawn by the mathematician J.G. Dopelmayr and published by the Homann publishing firm.
Doppelmayr wrote on astronomy, geography, cartography, spherical trigonometry, sundials and mathematical instruments. He collaborated with the cartographer Johann Baptista Homann (1664-1724), a former Dominican monk from Oberkammlach in Schwabia who in 1688 had settled in Nuremberg and became a map engraver for the publishing firms of Jacob von Sandrart and David Funck.