Early Infographic Broadside
Interesting broadside chart, consisting of a compass rose at the center and ringed with information on the earth and the solar system.
The broadside was issued by A.G. Dusauzet, who seems to have been the original creator, publishing the broadside in 1725. The present example includes the imprint of John and Thomas Bowles, 1733.
Includes text boxes describing:
- Stars and Planets
- Air and Meteors
- The Sun and Moon
- The terms of Geography
At the bottom is a set of five text boxes describing each of the continents, with capitals and geographical locations given, as well as principal rivers and islands.
Within the compass rose, there is an extensive discussion of the hemispheres, tropic lines, equator, equinoctial line, various zones and other geographical details.
The broadside is very rare. It was first issued by A.G. Dusauzet in 1725 and re-issued by A.G. Dusauzet in 1727. The copperplate was likely acquired by John & Thomas Bowles in about 1731,with issues of 1731 and 1733 under the Bowles imprint.
OCLC locates 1 copy of the 1727 Dusauzet imprint (British Library) and no examples of the 1725.
OCLC locates 1 copy of the Bowles 1731 imprint (British Library). The Library of Virginia holds a copy of the Moll atlas with the 1733 Bowles imprint included. The description matches the Sothebys copy and the catalog entry notes that it was a gift from Alan Voorhees in September 2004, strongly suggesting that it is the 1984 Sothebys copy referenced above.
Ashley Baynton Williams reports the following advertisements:
Daily Courant (issue 7365) 1725 May 25th. Proposals for Engraving by Subscription, An Epitome of Geography in a large Sheet, the Method intirely New; Containing, 1st, A full and plain Description of all the Lines and Circles of the Globe. The Terms of Geography Explain'd. Of the Air. Of the Meteors. Of the Sun and Moon, Stars and Planets, &c. 2dly, The Four Parts of the World, Europe, Asia, Africa and America, including all the Principal Kingdoms, Countries and States, with their Capital Cities, all the Chief Islands and Rivers belonging to each respective Part, the Latitude and Longitude of each, &c To be curiously Engrav'd by Mr. Cole. Each Subscriber to pay Five Shillings, one half down and the other half on Delivery. Subscriptions are taken in by Mr. Robinson, Bookseller at the Golden-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard; by Mr. Dusauzet, at the Eagle in Berwick-street, near Soho Square; and by Mr. Cole, in Great Kirby-street Hatton-Garden.
Daily Courant (issue 7908) 1727 February 18th. This Day is Published, Geography Epitomiz'd, shewing at one View all the Lines and Circles of the Globe, all the Terms of Geography explained, of the Air and Meteors, Stars and Planets, and particularly of the Sun and Moon, with the four great Continents, the chief Divisions of each, with their Capital Cities, chief Islands and Rivers, the Latitude and Longitude of each, &c. Printed on a single Sheet of Imperial Paper. Price 5s. Sold by the Author M. Dusauzet, at his House in Berwick-street near Soho Square, J. Cole, Engraver, at the Crown in Great Kirby-street, Hatton-Garden; and by R. Robinson at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard.