Jacques le Moyne de Morgues (c. 1533 – 1588) was a French artist and member of Jean Ribault's expedition to the New World.
Le Moyne accompanied the French expedition of Jean Ribault and Rene Laudonniere in from 1562, when they arrived at the St. Johns River, to 1564, when they founded Fort Caroline. Le Moyne is mostly known for remarkable map of the region and his artistic depictions of the landscape, flora, fauna, and, most importantly, the inhabitants of the New World encountered by the French and Spanish. His drawings of the cultures commonly referred to as the Timucua (known through their reproduction by the Dutch publisher Theodor De Bry) are largely regarded as some of the most accessible data about the cultures of the Southeastern Coastal United States, however, many of these depictions and maps are currently being questioned by historians and archaeologists as to their authenticity. During this expedition he became known as a cartographer and an illustrator as he painted landscapes and reliefs of the land they crossed.
Upon his return to London, he was approached by De Bry, who sought to acquire Le Moyne's work for publication. Le Moyne, then under the service of Sir Walter Raleigh, refused. After his death the following year, Le Moyne's widow did in fact sell Le Moyne's work to De Bry, who in turn published the narrative in his Brevis Narratio Eorum Quae in Florida Americae Provincia.