With Extensive Annotations In the Eko Oil Co "Ekoh-Vedder" Area
A chart illustrating the expanding oil and gas industry of Kern County, California. Some recognizable names and companies appear on this map, namely the Rothschild Family Oil Trust, the Texas Oil Company, and Shell Oil. These titans of the oil are joined by other competitors who own wells in various stages of operation in the area.
The chart is quite detailed in displaying the different states of wells. Broadly, they fall into uncompleted and completed with specific designations for if they are abandoned, drilling, idle, or producing. This additional information makes the chart extremely useful for determining the production capacity of the area and how it has developed over time.
The most intriguing aspect of this map is the manuscript annotations presumably made by someone surveying the area, including roads and/or pipelines in the area with a green, purple and red pencil and black pen.