Rare map of Oregon Territory and Washington Territory, from Rogers & Johnston's Atlas of the United States.
The map was derived from a monumental and equally rare wall map, an historic collaboration between Professor Rogers, an American, and the Johnston publishing house in Britain.
The map is colored by counties and shows both territories extending to the Rocky Mountains, with only a few counties east of the Cascades. Several early routes are noted. Elevations of major mountains are shown. A number of early forts are shown, including Fort Hall, Cantonment Loring, Ft. Boise, Fort Wahlah Wahlah, Ft. Colville, Ft. Okinakane, etc. Priest's Rapids, American Falls, Three Tetons, Thompson's Rapids, Ross Rapids, Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, The Dalles, Ft. Niqually, Cowling Landing, and many other early places appear. The map names many passes and provides an excellent topographical treatment of the region. In Jackson County Oregon, the mining regions, Indian Agency Mine and Independence Mine are named.
An essential map for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana collectors.