Advanced Edition of U.S. Army Air Force Strategic Flight Chart for the Platte River Region
This Army Air Forces World Aeronautical Chart covers large portions of Nebraska, Iowa, and parts of Missouri, Minnesota, and South Dakota. The map highlights the essential role of radar technology in aviator communication and domestic navigation during World War II. The map specifies radar locations and ranges in the Platte River region, with city names or Civil Air Authority bases and their low-frequency radio availability marked in red, aiding pilots in navigation and communication.
Topographical information is color-coded to represent varying elevations, providing vital insights for pilots to adjust their altitudes and routes, ensuring safety from ground-based threats or natural obstacles. The reverse side includes a detailed key explaining symbols and markers, exemplifying the meticulous planning and data collection of the U.S. Air Force at the time. Additionally, instructions at the bottom urge Air Officers to update the chart with corrections and additions, emphasizing the fluid nature of wartime operations. This chart serves as a valuable historical document, offering a glimpse into the technological advancements and strategic thinking of the U.S. military during World War II.