Large, folding political map of the world with a news digest for the week of 29 October to 4 November 1943.
The Moscow Conference sets forth the foundations for the United Nations and Nuremberg Trials. The Allied 5th and 8th Armies continue their push against the Nazi troops. In the Crimean Offensive, the brief reports, "... Germany stands to lose at least 100,000 men in what promises to be one of the greatest military disasters of the war," and an illustration shows Hitler stuck in a mouse trap. The chart "Has Rural Child Equal Chance?" uses data to compare the educational opportunities between children from industrial and rural states.
World News of the Week (1939-1963), published by News Map of the Week (1937-1963), a division of the W. M. Welch Scientific Company (now the Sargent-Welch Scientific Company), was a hebdomadal publication of news maps primarily for use in secondary schools, with briefs of the most pertinent events of the preceding week. Leroy Kreutzig, a Chicago-area journalist, wrote copy for the publication for much of its existence; he also occasionally made the inset maps. During World War II, he also helped make maps used by American troops. Although war dominates the stories, other domestic and international stories are also covered. Photographs, infographics, cartoons, and phonetic spellings of names add to the educational value of the maps.