Fantastic vintage pictorial map of South Africa, showing the nation from an attractive bird's eye perspective and designed to entice tourist visits.
The map's artistic style is reminiscent of Fred Routledge's "airplane map" style, albeit with slightly more muted tones and warmer colors. The map shows major routes around South Africa, with many attractions,noted but particularly focusing on the diamond and gold mines. The covers mention the advantages of group travel in South Africa and a Thomas Cook, New York, label.
The map would seem to date from the later 1920s or early 1930s based on the naming of the Union of South Africa (post-1910) and the reference to the Thomas Cook merger with the Wagons-Lits service, which happened in 1928. This is despite the map showing the Union subdivided into its various provinces, including the Transvaal, Orange Free State, and Natal.