Naming the Valley of the Kings ("Grabmale der Konige")
Scarce map of Thebes on the Nile, produced by the great German cartographer and archeological historian Carl Ritter. The map centers on the Nile River and shows the city of Thebes with numerous annotations detailing the ruins seen around the city.
The mountains which surround the Nile Valley are visible on either side of the river. Numerous hydrological and topographical annotations are made. The work is exactingly precise and was based on the best sources German cartographers could locate.
Carl Ritter and Modern Geography
Carl Ritter is considered one of the founders of modern geography and was an important figure of his time. One of Ritter's best-known works, his Erdkunde im Verhaltnis. . ., attempted to describe the geography of the entire globe. This work had a very broad concept of geography, not only encompassing cartography but also hydrography, climatology, and volcanology. Ritter never completed his work due to the vast scale of his undertaking.