Spectacular wall map of Paris, published by M. Pichon in Paris and engraved by Michel Glot.
Rare and beautiful wall map of Paris framed by a floral border with lilies at the corners. The masthead held by angels, features a nymph of the Seine and an allegory of Paris with the symbols of the arts and sciences. Around the plan are 27 Parisian views of places and monuments, and one for the Palace of Versailles.
The map provides a finely engraved look at Paris, dissected by the Seine River, immediately prior to the French Revolution. The tables identify streets, parishes, colleges, hospitals, important buildings, major squares and other points of interest.
- Place de Louis le Grand,
- Nouvelle Eglise de la Madeleine,
- Eglise de St. Sulpice,
- Eglise de St. Roch,
- College des Quatres Nations,
- Hotel de Ville,
- la Sorbonne,
- Vue de l'Ecole Militaire...,
- Hotel des Monnoyes,
- Vue du Chateau des Tuileries...,
- Galerie du Louvre...,
- Colonnade du Louvre,
- Hotel Royal des Invalides,
- le Palais du Luxembourg,
- Eglise de S. Gervais,
- le Val de Grace,
- Eglise Cathédrale de Notre Dame,
- Eglise de St. Eustache,
- Nouvelle Eglise de Ste. Geneviève,
- la Place Royale,
- Statue Equestre de Louis XV,
- Ecole de Chirurgie,
- le Palais Royal,
- la Place de Louis XV,
- Chateau de Versailles,
- le Palais Bourbon,
- Place des Victoires,
- Statue d'Henri IV.
The present example is an early state of the plan. We note an edition of 1783 and later editions of 1789, 1792, 1794, 1801 and 1802. The later editions apparently have significant revisions, especially those issued after 1793.