Mapping Colorado Water and Irrigation Districts on the South Platte River
Unusual map of a portion of Colorado, centered on the South Platte River, published by Paul B. Walker, a Fort Morgan Land and Loan Broker.
The map extends west to the Rocky Mountains, from Denver in the South to Cheyene, covering the northeastern quadrant of Colorado. The focal point of the map would seem to be farming, transit infrastructure and especially water sources.
Laid out over a detailed township and range mapping of the region, the map is focused on water usages, listing numerous irrigation districts along the South Platte River, as well as existing and proposed reservoirs, canals, outlet ditches, pipe lines, creeks, rivers and springs.
An area in Logan County is noted as "Dry Farming Lands." Several areas are refered to as Townsites, such as Mercer Station, Peetz Townsite.
Paul Walker's first advertisements for loans appear in the Larimer County Independent in March 1916, but seem to have been most active in The Raymer Enterprise, between August and October 1919.
Clason's Map of Northeastern Colorado was apparently first issued in 1909 (OCLC locates 3 copies - Colorado School of Mines, Colorado College and Denvery Public Library), with OCLC also locating a 1911 edition (2 copies).
Given Paul Walker's historical notes above, this examples is almost certainly a unique late survival.