Girolamo Ruscelli's modern map of Ancona was first published in Ruscelli's Geographia in 1561. The map in question is the second state.
The map is oriented with east at the top, covering a section of the Gulf of Venice on the Adriatc Sea south of Catholica River, just south of San Marino. This particular orientation, though unusual by modern standards, was a common practice in early cartography.
One of the major towns depicted on the map is Ancona itself, a significant port on the Adriatic Sea. Other noteworthy towns include Pesaro, Fano, Senigallia, and Jesi. These locations were essential hubs for trade and commerce during the 16th century. Major rivers depicted on the map include the Metauro, Esino, and Musone rivers. These waterways were vital for transportation and agriculture, as they still are today.
The map is based upon an earlier version by Giacomo Gastaldi, published in 1548, making it one of the earliest obtainable modern maps of the region.
The region depicted in Ruscelli's map has a rich and complex history. During the 16th century, the Marca d'Ancona was part of the Papal States and under the direct control of various Popes, including Pope Paul III and Pope Julius III. The area was known for its strategic importance, connecting the Papal States with the Adriatic Sea. Throughout the century, the region was contested by different Italian city-states and foreign powers. The Papacy's control was often challenged, notably by the French and the Holy Roman Empire. These rivalries and conflicts were part of the broader Italian Wars that marked the period, with various rulers seeking to expand their influence and territory.
Girolamo Ruscelli (1500-1566) was a cartographer, humanist, and scholar from Tuscany. Ruscelli was a prominent writer and editor in his time, writing about a wide variety of topics including the works of Giovanni Boccaccio and Francesco Petrarch, Italian language, Italian poetry, medicine, alchemy, and militia. One of his most notable works was a translation of Ptolemy’s Geographia which was published posthumously.
There is limited information available about Ruscelli’s life. He was born in the Tuscan city of Viterbo to a family of modest means. He was educated at the University of Padua and moved between Rome and Naples until 1548, when he moved to Naples to work in a publishing house as a writer and proofreader. He remained in the city until his death in 1566.