Number 11 of 33, of this striking exhibition map / broadsheet, celebrating the work of Jo Mora, first drawn in 1998 and re-issued in 2013 as a guide to Mora's work around the United States in museums, libraries, schools and other public and private facilities.
The map is a guide to Mora's sculpture and artwork, marking the locations of his sculptures and paintings, as well as the places for which he created his iconic pictorial "cartes" and photographs. As noted in the text:
IN JO'S OWN WORDS When Charles F. Lummis, the Los Angeles Public Librarian, asked Joseph Jacinto Mora (1876-1947) to fill out a "Westem History-Material" biography form for the library archives, Mora noted under chief occupation "artist-writer," a humble description of an exceptional career. The content of the form, in Mora's hand, goes on to describe his education:
"Primary education Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Then grammar school, Allston, Mass, and Boston Latin School-'till 1891. Attended Pingry Academy, Elizabeth, New Jersey. Graduated (taking classical and oratorial prize) in 1894. Studied sculpture and drawing under D. Mora (father) and attended Art Students League
of N.Y., Chase School of Art (N.Y.), Cowles Art School (Boston)."When asked to describe his business or professional record, Mora wrote: "1895, made poster mural decoration for Clermont Ave. Skating Rink, Brooklyn, N.Y., Boston Traveler (on art staff) 1897. '98 went to Mexico and on return, same year, on art staff of Boston Herald. Besides general work, made specialty of comic animals. From this work was put under contract. Dana Estes and Co., Boston. Got out several books for them and did general illustrating. 1900-03 came to Calif. to gather material and data for future work-rode horseback from Mexican line, below San Diego, to San Francisco, painting the missions. Spent a fall and winter in the High Sierras; Plumas, Sierra, Yuba and Butte counties. Then trailed from San Jose, Cal. by mule and horseback to Yosemite; south across Mojave Desert and into the Navajo Reservation in Arizona, painting en route. Lived with the Navajo and Moki Indians from 1904 to 1907, painting and studying these people. Expect to make specialty of picturesque parts and people of Calif. and Southwest. Making series of drawings for Boston Herald (juvenile comics) with stories in jingle now appearing in that paper and its syndicate. Series titled Animaldom."
Thus began the life of one of this country's most creative and versatile artists. Jo Mara has left his captivating creations in locations all over the United States. This carte is created to honor him and his joie de vivre. It is intended as a guide for those who are curious to discover the art of Jo Mora for themselves.
As noted on the verso:
[this is the] second edition of the finder's guide for the artwork of Joseph Jacinto "Jo" Mora. On the 15th anniversary of this carte's publication, it is very appropriate to take a fresh look at Jo's work in public places because much has changed since this carte was first published. Buildings have fallen to urban renewal, collections have moved, and new work has been discovered. It is the hope of the Jo Mora Trust . . . that this revised carte, again with the masterful cartographic work of Nigel Holmes, will encourage people to go out and see Jo Mora's work in its most current settings.
This carte* was created as a tribute to Jo Mora, sculptor, painter, illustrator, and mapmaker, to mark the retrospective of his work at the Monterey Museum of Art in 1998.
Joseph Jacinto "Jo" Mora, born 22 October 1876 in Uruguay, died 10 October 1947 in Monterey California. Mora came to the United States as a child, he studied art in New York, then worked for Boston newspapers as a cartoonist. He was a man of many other talents, artist-historian, sculptor, painter, photographer, illustrator, muralist and author. In 1903, Mora came to California, then in 1904 he moved to Keams Canyon in northeast Arizona, living with the Hopi and Navajo Indians. He learned their languages and photographed and painted an ethnological record, particularly of the Kachina ceremonial dances. In 1907, he married Grace Needham and they moved to Mountain View, California. He moved to Pebble Beach in 1922 and established a home and large studio there, it being near the Carmel Mission (San Carlos Borroméo De Carmelo Mission) after being commissioned to do the Serra Sarcophagus* for Padre (Father) Ramon Mestres.
During his long and productive career, Mora illustrated a number of books including Animals of Aesop (1900), Dawn and the Dons - The Romance of Monterey (1926), Benito and Loreta Delfin, Children of Alta California (1932), and Fifty Funny Animal Tales (1932). He authored three books, A Log of the Spanish Main (1933), Trail Dust and Saddle Leather (1946) and his posthumous publication, Californios (1949).
His map work included Monterey Peninsula (1927), and Seventeen Mile Drive (1927), California (1927), San Diego (1928), Grand Canyon (1931), Yosemite (1931), Yellowstone (1936), Carmel-By-The-Sea (1942), California (1945) (large and small versions), and Map of Los Angeles (1942).