Impressive and rare 1965 edition of Bownocker's geological map of Ohio, providing a fascinating look at the state's bedrock.
The map includes fourteen types of strata ranging in age from Permian to Ordovician. Below the map is a generalized cross-section from west to east going through Springfield, Columbus, and Zanesville. The section shows the general anticlinal formation, which dips more steeply towards the Appalachian mountains in the east.
Bownocker was the fifth state geologist of Ohio, who, in 1909, made a new and more accurate geological map of the state based on the newly released USGS 15-minute topographic series. Bownocker's map was the first map of the state to show the Ordovician System and the subdivision of the Carboniferous into the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian. Bownocker first issued this map in 1920 with new topographic information and reissued it in 1929, 1947, 1965, and 1981.