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Finely illustrated pictorial map of New Mexico.

The map covers New Mexico from Shiprock to El Paso.

Historic routes and trails are identified, including the Butterfield Trail, the Santa Fe Trail, Goodnight Loving Trail, among others, as well as the exploratory routes taken by Cabeza de Vaca, Coronado, Onate, Escalante and Espejo.

Steadman's map also identifies various army forts, pueblos, national and state monuments. Throughout, the map is fantastically illustrated with carriages, cowboys, soldiers, explorers, forts, wildlife, etc. The verso contains information about the various trails and the Coronado Cuarto Centennial Celebrations. The map was prepared and illustrated by Wilfred Stedman for free distribution during the Coronado Cuarto Centennial Celebrations by the New Mexico State Tourist Bureau, a division of the State Highway Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico.