Photographs of La Jolla, Santa Monica, Catalina, and more
Family Photo Album of Sydney Lloyd Wrightson, noted Conductor
A delightful and substantial photo album containing about 330 original snapshot photographs plus numerous mounted picture postcards of La Jolla, Santa Monica, Catalina, and other places, interspersed among the photos. These photographs relate to the family of Sydney Lloyd Wrightson (1869-1922) and his wife, Claire. Wrightson was a noted musical conductor in Washington, D.C. Most of the original photographs, which are generally sharp, matte finish prints, measure approximately 3 x 4 inches, but a few are 5 x 8 inches. Many of the snapshots are captioned and dated.
Nearly 100 of the photographs relate to family travels to California and the West, especially Southern California. The album includes many wonderful beach scenes at La Jolla, Ocean Park (Santa Monica), Los Angeles, as well as snapshots made during train stops in Arizona and New Mexico.
The La Jolla photographs are especially notable for the views of the Green Dragon Colony above the Cove, including several photos of Anna Held Heinrich and Max Heinrich, including Anna Held's famous ship house, known as the Ark. According to the La Jolla Light:
Created by Anna Held (who moved to La Jolla in 1894), the Green Dragon Colony was built on land she purchased near La Jolla Cove for $165. The colony once included 11 cottages, including a boat-shaped structure with portholes called “The Ark,” and the “Doll’s House,” built to house Held’s collection of 200 dolls. It was designed by her friend, Irving Gill, for $15.
Also among the La Jolla views is a photograph of Ulysses S. Grant, Jr., the president's son, and the young Ulysses S. Grant IV. Standing with the Grants is a personage of local note in La Jolla: Prof. Gustav Shulz, the man who had the tunnel constructed to the famous Sunny Jim Cave in 1902.
La Jolla, California (The Cove, Green Dragon Colony cabins, beach scenes, etc.)
- Caves. La Jolla. Aug. 18, 05
- Caves. La Jolla. Aug. 18, 05
- Caves, La Jolla. Aug. 18, 05
- Elsa Jonas, Max Heinrich, Claire, Alberto Jonas. La Jolla. Aug. 18, 05
- Alberto Jonas, Max Heinrich, Sydney Lloyd Wrightson. Aug. 18, 05
- Jonas, Heinrich, Sydney. La Jolla. Aug. 18, 05
- Heinrich, Mr. & Mrs. Jonas. Back of cabin. La Jolla. Aug. 18, 05
- The Ship & Max Heinrich's House. La Jolla. Aug. 18, 05
- Max Heinrich & Claire. Aug. 18, 05
- Mrs. Anna Held Heinrich, baby & Claire. Aug. 18, 05
- Mrs. Heinrich, Claire & baby. Aug. 18, 05
- Baby Claire. La Jolla. Aug. 19, 05. Eucalyptus trees and cottages in background.
- La Jolla, Aug. 19, 05. Cottage and trees in background.
- La Jolla, Aug. 19, 05. Group standing in the street.
- La Jolla. Aug. 19, 05
- Heinrich & Baby, La Jolla, Aug. 19, 05
- Heinrich, Aug. 19, 05
- Cathedral Rock. La Jolla. Aug. 19, 05
- Cathedral Rock, Edith & Max Heinrich. La Jolla, Aug. 19, 05
- La Jolla, Aug. 19, 05
- The Famous Green Dragon. La Jolla, Aug. 20, 05
- La Jolla, Aug. 20, 05.
- La Jolla. Aug. 20, 05.
- Mrs. Heinrich & baby. La Jolla. Aug. 19, 05.
- Prof. Schultz, Ulysses Grant (son of Pres. Grant) & U.S. Grant, Jr. La Jolla. Aug. 20, 05. Professor Gustav Shulz, who in 1902 had the tunnel constructed through the Sunny Jim cave.
- Three photographs of La Jolla coast. Aug. 20, 05
- Two Beach scenes at La Jolla Cove. Aug. 20, 05
- "Farewell" Max & Wife & Claire. La Jolla. Aug. 20, 05
- Sorento, on way home from La Jolla. Aug. 20, 05
- Sorento. Aug. 20, 05
- Man's head cave. La Jolla, Cal. Aug. 19, 05. Sunny Jim Cave.
Other California photographs
- Venice Main St. when we arrived 6/23/05
- Claire & Baby, Venice 6/23/05
- Baby in Venice 6/23/05
- West Lake Park, Los Angeles 6/27/05
- Singleton House & Grove. Gen Conqstuet's old home. L.A. 6/27/05
- Gen. Otis House, Los Angeles. 6/27/05
- Log Cabin, Los Angeles. 6/27/05
- Santa Barbara House, Los Angeles, Our First Home in Cal. 6/4/05
- Baby Claire & Arley Mott. Ocean Park 7/6/05
- Baby, Claire & Sydney. Ocean Park. 7/6/05
- Brooks Ave. Ocean Park where we lived. 7/6/05
- The surf, Ocean Park 7/6/05
- Serf [sic], Ocean Park 7/12/05
- Serf [sic], Ocean Park 7/12/05
- Serf [sic], Ocean Park 7/12/05
- Sands. Ocean Park 7/13/05
- Sands Ocean Park 7/13/05
- Our Bungalo [sic]. 4 Brooks Ave. Ocean Park. 7/15/05
- Board Walk. Ocean Park. 7/13/05
- Sydney and Baby after bath. 7/16/05
- Baby after bath. 7/16/05
- Claire and baby in sands. 7/25/05
- Sydney & baby in sand. 7/25/05
- Two smaller images of baby wearing "Venice" shirt with painted beach backdrop.
- Uncaptioned auditorium or theater interior with children's choir performing.
- Three more baby photos, dated Aug., 1905.
- Incline R.R. Mt. Lowe. Aug. 16, 05
- Down Incline. Mt. Lowe. Aug. 15, 05
- 5 snapshots taken at Mt. Lowe, including three depicting people riding a burro.
- Mt. Lowe, starting down incline. Aug. 16, 05. Larger photo, 7 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches. Large group of men and women on Mt. Lowe Incline Railroad car. With large sign in view: Pacific Electric RY, Ye Alpine Tavern 5000 feet above the sea. Mt. Lowe 6100 feet. Echo Mountain, elevation 3500 feet
Catalina Island
- Seal Rocks, Santa Catalina Isl. Photo by Ironmonger. 5 x 8 inches. Aug. 26, 05
- Avalon, Santa Catalina Isl. Cal. Photo by Ironmonger. 5 x 8 inches.
- Avalon, Santa Catalina Isl. Cal. Photo by Ironmonger. 5 x 8 inches.
- Trinidad, Colo. Spanish Peak in dim distance. 6/19/05
- Philippine Regiment to N.Y. Trinidad, Colo. 6/19/05
- Spanish Peaks, Colo. 6/19/05
- Foot Hills, Trinidad, Col. 6/19/05
New Mexico & Arizona
- Indians & Las Vegas, N.M. R.R. Station from train. 6/19/05
- Indians, Las Vegas, N.M. 6/19/05
- Adobe House, Chapelle, N.M. 06/19/05
- Los Cerillos, N.M. 6/19/05
- Indians, Peach Springs, Arizona. 06/20/05
- Kingman, Arizona. 6/20/05
Plus 250 additional family snapshots made at various locations, including Digby, Nova Scotia, coastal Maine, Massachusetts, Chicago and Lake Michigan, and other points east. These latter photographs are dated from the 1910s through the 1920s.