An exceptional example of Frederick De Wit's general sea chart of the southeastern US, Gulf Coast, Florida, and the Caribbean, offered here in an edition published by Reiner and Josua Ottens.
The map is based upon Hessel Gerittsz's map of 1631, although it is based more closely on Lootsman's chart of 1661. The map was likely engraved by Romein de Hooghe.
There is a wealth of navigational information including sandbanks and shoals. The chart is a masterpiece of decorative engraving with illustrations of sailing vessels, a compass rose and two elaborate title cartouches (Latin and Dutch), one showing cannibalism.
The first state of the map appeared Frederik De Wit's Atlas de la Navigation (1675), one of the most striking products of Dutch maritime cartography. It was "thoroughly corrected" (Koeman) by Renard in the early eighteenth century and amended again by Ottens in 1745 for their editions of the atlas. Koeman explains, "this continuous revision proves that the atlas was intended for use at sea and not only for the consultation on shore."
The Ottens brothers, Reiner and Joshua, operated a successful printing partnership in the mid-eighteenth century (fl. 1726-1765). They began the venture in 1726, publishing maps and other prints as “R & I Ottens.” They specialized in the reprinting of others’ work, especially Guillaume De L’Isle. In 1750, Reiner died; his soon, also Reiner, took his place, but the firm began listing their works as “Joshua & Reiner Ottens.” The firm lasted until Joshua’s death in 1765. Joshua’s widow, Johanna de Lindt, sold their remaining stock of plates in 1784.