A Mine of Information on Travels Throughout the World
A Beautiful Set in Uniform Contemporary Bindings
An extensive set of 24 volumes of the Annales des Voyage plus 11 volumes of the Nouvelles Annales des Voyages. This set also includes an index volume to the first twenty volumes.
The Danish journalist and scientist Conrad Malte-Brun emigrated to France in 1799. Through his multiple ambitious publishing endeavors, including the present Nouvelles Annales des Voyages (which began life as the Annales de Voyages in 1807, with the new title Nouvelles Annales des Voyages first appearing in 1819), he intended to establish a solid foundation for what he envisioned as a distinct geographical science. His ideas on geography as a science are of interest to modern day historians of geography and cartography. The present extensive serial publication played a key role in Malte-Brun's vision for geography as a field of inquiry deserving of the respect enjoyed by the physical sciences. By presenting an ongoing collection of accounts of travel and exploration, well illustrated with fine maps, Malte-Brun emphasized the literary treatment of geographical travel accounts (with illustrative maps), with less focus on a systematic analysis of geography based on field work. This might have been seen as a stumbling block to his overall ambitions for geography's status as a scientific discipline. His other major publication, the Précis de la Geographie Universelle (1810, 6 volumes), was envisioned as an encyclopedic sum of all geographical knowledge. According to Sabin there were a total of six series of this work for a total of 208 volumes.
In such an extensive collection of travels, one is bound to encounter numerous accounts of note. Here follows a few of the outstanding reports and maps contained in the present set, including a complete listing of the plates and maps in each volume offered here:
Vol. 7 (1820) of the Nouvelles Annales series includes a nice folding map to illustrate William Edward Parry's Polar Expedition (this map is notable as an early lithographic production by G. Engelmann) and shows part of the polar sea, Baffin Bay, etc. Also in the same volume is a nice folding engraved map of the northern polar regions: Cartes des Régions Polaires Boréales.
Vol. 11 (2821) of the Nouvelles Annales series, the final volume in the present set (being vol. 11 of the Nouvelles Annales series), includes an early text and map relating the Northwest Coast of America. The map provides a detailed and accurate account of the contemporary search for the Northwest Passage, as well as an excellent up to date view of the Northwest Coast of America, the Canadian Rocky Mountains and conjectural tracks of the voyages of Maldonado in 1588 and Bernardo in 1640 through the Bering Straits and into the Arctic Ocean. The discoveries of Cluny, MacKenzie, Hearne, and others are noted. The map extends south to Astoria and the Columbia River watershed, with the coasts of Greenland and Labrador, Baffin's Bay, etc. shown in the far north.
Maps and plates:
Vol. 1:
Le Palais des Czars, dans le Krémelin (our la Citadelle) à Moscow. Folding colored plate.
Carte du Théatre de la Guerre et Marches des Armées Françaises et Alliées en Saxe en Prusse et en Pologne pendant les Campagnes de 1806 et 1807. Map with outline hand color.
[Engraved plate of writing scripts]
Vol. 2:
Vue des Habitations de Madagascar. Folding plate.
Ustensiles des Habitans de Madagascar. Folding plate.
Vue de l'Abbaye de Val-ombrosa. Plate
Vol. 3:
Plan de l'Ile Helgoland, d'apres la levée Astronomique faite en 1787 par M.M. Reinke & Lang.
Carte de la Finlande, Dressée par P. Lapie Cap. Ing. Géog. 1808. Folding map, with outline hand color.
Vol. 4:
Plan de la Perte du Rhône. Folding plan.
Cartes de Bouches de Cattaro. 1808. Folding map.
Vol. 5:
M. Adanson. Frontispiece portrait.
Ports de la Mer Noire. Engraved plate with four separate plans of ports.
Village des Boushouanas. Folding plate.
Vol. 6:
Vue du Colosse de Pratolino. Plate
Plan d'Odessa et d'une partie de ses Environs. Dessiné par P. Lapie. 1809.
Plan du Golfe de Bourgas. Dessiné par P. Lapie. 1809.
Vol. 7:
Scene d'un Opéra Cochinchinois. Folding plate.
Bâtimens Cochinchinois sur la Rivière de Faifo. Folding plate.
Carte des États Composant l'Empire d'Autriche en Mai 1809; dressée à Vienne par M. Le Baron de Liechtenstern. Folding map with outline hand color.
Vol. 8:
Plan Hydrographique des Iles d'Ertholm, située dans la Mer Baltique. Folding plan.
Son Altesse Mgneur. Le Prince de Ligne. Engraved portrait.
Carte des Îles Formose, Madjicosemah et Lieu-Kieu, avec une partie de la Chine, des Philippines et du Japon; par P. Lapie. 1809. Large folding map.
Vol. 9:
Plan d'une Partie de l'Ile de Lemnos et des Ressifs Voisins. Folding map.
Vue de la Grande Chartreuse de Grenoble (Gravé d'apres le Tableau de M. Taunay.
Tombeau qui se trouvoit dans la land d'Axwalla, en Westrogothie, rasé en l'an 1805.
Vol. 10:
Carta da Navegar de Nicolo et Antonio Zeni Fvrono in Tramontana Lano MCCCLXXX. Copie exacte de la Carte des frères Zeni.
Figures du Monument de Kiwik, en Scanie. D'aprè le dessin de M. Hilfeling, Antiquaire sucèdois. Folding plate.
Portrait of M. D'Anville.
Vol. 11:
Carte Pour la Voye Romaine Entre Clermont et la Sioule. Folding map.
Vol. 12:
Carte des Pays Compris Entre la Mer Caspienne et la Mer Noire. Par L. Lapie. Folding map with outline hand color.
Plan d'Autun Ancien et Moderne. Folding plan.
Antiquités des Bains du Mont d'Or. Folding plate.
Vol. 13:
Antiquités de Beaune. Pl. I. Folding plate.
Antiquités de Beaune. Pl. II. Folding plate.
Carte Pour la Dissertation sur la Bataille de Fontenay livrée en 841. Folding map.
Vol. 14:
Inscription Découverte a Pompeiopolis our Tasch-Kouprou en Paphlagonie, par M. F. Consul géneral de France, a Sinope. Folding plate.
Bruny d'Entrecasteaux. Engraved portrait.
Habitant distingué de l'Ile de Noukahiwa, tatoué & armé / Buste d'un habitant de Noukahiva / Main gauche de la Reine Katanouéh de l'Ile de Noukahiva. Foilding engraved plate with hand color. Highly detailed showing tattoos on native Marquesan warrior.
Vol. 15:
Développement du Piédestal de la Colonne de Cussy.
Colonne de Cussy. Folding plate.
Buenos-Ayres, Chili et Patagonie. Folding engraved map.
Vol. 16:
Nlle. Grenade. Caracas et Guyanes. Folded engraved map showing northern South America and part of the Caribbean (the Greater and Lesser Antilles), including Haiti, Puerto Rico, part of Cuba.
Figures pour le Mémoire sur la lumière zodiacale.
Lumière zodiacale, observée dans la zone torride. Engraved plate
Pérou et Brésil. Engraved map of a large part of South America.
Vol. 17:
Le Strudel dans le Danube, en Basse Autriche.
Cascade de Wochau, en Carniole.
George Petrowicz, dit Czerni-Georges, chef des Servien. Engraved portrait.
Tableau des Cercles de la Galitzie Occidentale. Large folding table.
Vol. 18:
Le Royaume de Danemark, avec une partie de la Suéde. Par Mr. Lapie. 1812. Folding map with outline color.
Vol. 19:
Vue de la Vallée d'Ens Dans la Styrie. Folding plate.
Plan de l'Ile de Caprée d'aprés Alexandre d'Anna.
Vol. 20:
Tableau Physique de la Pente Septentrionale de la Salza... Folding diagram.
Tableau Physique de la Pente Orientale de la Salza...
Tableau des Projections des divers lieux du pays de Salzbourg...
Vol. 21:
Ruines de Baffa et de Koukla, ou du Nouveau et du Vieux Paphos, d'apres M. de Hammer.
Three untitled engraved plates to illustrate an essay concerning the Emperor Trajan.
Vol. 22:
Dacia Trajani. Folding map.
Vol. 23:
Two folding tables.
Vol. 24:
Carte de la Cote Occidentale de l'Afrique... par J.B. Poirson. Folding map.
Carte de la Nouvelle Hollande et de Quelques Terres Voisines. 1815. Folding map of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea and Indonesia.
Vol. 25: [i.e. Vol. 1 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
Carte du Voyage entrepris pour reconnaitre les Sources du Gange...par Ambroise Tardieu. Folding map.
Carte du Voyage dans l'Oundes par G. Moorcroft.... par Ambroise Tardieu. Folding map.
Brouillard. Arc lumineaux. Glaces sous le 75o. 17 de latitude nord. (Baie de Baffin).
Vol. 26: [Vol. 2 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
Plan du Port et de la Ville de Kertch, Anciennement Panticapée.
Vue de Kertch. Plate.
Carte de la Route et des Découvertes des Vaisseaux l'Isabelle et l'Alexandre dans le Détroit de Davis et La Baie de Baffin. Dressée sous la direction du Captaine Ross...Par Ambroise Tardieu.
Vol. 27: [Vol. 3 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
Carte du Pays de Camboge. Folding map.
Plan de la Plaine de Marathon. Folding plan.
Vol. 28: [Vol. 4 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
Carte de l'Archipel de Jean Potocki par Jules Klaproth. 1820. Folding map.
Vol. 29: [Vol. 5 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
Carte de la Partie de la Cote Méridionale de l'Asie Mineure Ordinairement Appelée Caramanie... Par Mr. Beaufort. Folding map.
Vol. 30: [Vol. 6 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
Plan du Labyrinthe d'Egypte. Engraved plate.
Carte du Zanguebar ou Zindgibar. d'apres les Reconnoissances de Mr. Sauhnier de Montevit, les Nortes de Mr. Charpentier de Cossigny, de Mr. Morice, &c. 1820. Folding map.
Vol. 31: [Vol. 7 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
Carte des Decouvertes du Capitaine Parry en 1819 et 1820. Lith de G. Engelmann. Folding lithograph map.
Carte des Régions Polaires Boréales. Folding engraved map.
Vol. 32: [Vol. 8 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
Plan des Fouilles de Pompeii vers la fin de 1817. Folding plan.
Plan du Temple souterrain d'Ibsamboul en Nubie. Folding plan.
Vol. 33: [Vol. 9 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
[Folding plate illustrating the ancient sculptures of bulls in Guisando, Spain]
Esquisse de la parte Occidentale du Sahara oú l'on voit la route parcourue par Alexandre Scott depuis 1810 jusqu' en 1816. Dressée par le Major Rennel. Folding map.
Vol. 34: [Vol. 10 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
Coupe du Désert d'orient en occident. Folding map diagram.
Carte de la Route du Capitaine G. F. Lyon a travers la Régence de Tripoli et le Royaume de Fezzan, en 1818, 1819 et 1820. Folding map.
Vol. 35 [Vol. 11 of Nouvelles Annales des Voyages...]
Carte d'une Partie de l'Ocean Arctique et de l'Amérique Septentrionale, pour expliquer d'apres les relations de Maldonado, de l'Amiral de Fonte, du Captaine Bernarda et les decouvertes récentes, la configuration de ces Contrée ainsi que les communications qu'elles présentent entre l'Océan Atlantique et le Grand Ocean. Par le Chevr. L'Apie Géographe. 1821.
There were six series up to 1866.
Conrad Malte-Brun (born Malthe Conrad Bruun) was a notable Dano-French geographer and journalist, best known for coining the terms "Oceania" and "Indo-China." His contributions to geography and his political activism left a lasting impact on both fields.
Born in Thisted, Denmark, to an administrator of Danish crown lands, Malte-Brun was initially destined for a career as a pastor. However, he chose to attend the University of Copenhagen, where he became a fervent supporter of the French Revolution and an advocate for freedom of the press. His activism and outspoken criticism of the Danish government, particularly through his pamphlet "Catechism of the Aristocrats" (1795), led to his indictment under the harsh censorship laws instituted by Crown Prince Frederick in September 1799. Facing inevitable exile, Malte-Brun fled Denmark, eventually settling in France in 1799.
In France, Malte-Brun embarked on a prolific career in geography. Collaborating with Edme Mentelle, a professor at the École Normale, he co-authored Géographie mathématique, physique et politique de toutes les parties du monde (6 vols., 1803-1812). His contributions to geography were vast, including his promotion of the term "Manchuria" in an 1804 map of China.
Despite his initial opposition to the consular government, Malte-Brun later became a zealous imperialist under Napoleon and an ardent monarchist after Napoleon's fall. He published Traité de la légitimité considérée comme base du droit public de l'Europe chrétienne (1824), reflecting his political evolution.
Malte-Brun devoted much of his career to geographical studies. He founded Les Annales des Voyages (1807) and Les Annales des Voyages, de la Géographie et de l'Histoire (1819), journals that promoted empirical research in geography. He gained prominence with his treatise Tableau de la Pologne (1807) and served as the first general secretary of the Société de Géographie from 1822 to 1824.
His suggestion to import camels into Australia marked a unique contribution to the continent's agricultural practices. Malte-Brun also made significant contributions to Albanology, mentioning an original Albanian alphabet in his Universal Geography (1826), which spurred further research by scholars like Johann Georg von Hahn and Leopold Geitler.
Conrad Malte-Brun died in Paris in 1826 while drafting the final version of his magnum opus, Précis de Géographie Universelle ou Description de toutes les parties du monde. The work was completed posthumously, with the last two volumes authored by Huot. Malte-Brun's legacy endures, with streets named after him in both Paris and his birthplace, Thisted. His second son, Victor Adolphe Malte-Brun, continued his father's work in geography, ensuring that the Malte-Brun name remained influential in the field.