Early Appearance of Arizona Territory, South of New Mexico
Gorgeous large format map of the Western United States from Kiepert's Neuer Atlas. The map was reprinted several times and each iteration changed the layout of the territories.
Washington Territory extends into the Rocky Mountains by way of the Idaho panhandle. Idaho itself is extended further east, with Jackson Hole effectively on the border with Wyoming and the upper Wind River Mountains in Idaho. The northwest boundary of Arizona is extended. Central Nevada remains mostly unmapped and is labeled "Root Diggers," referring to a Piute tribe that practiced agriculture.
Wheat calls this "a charming map…of surprising worth," though he goes on to lament its lack of trails and railroad routes.
It is easy to see why Wheat found the map most appealing. The map includes striking and highly accurate topographical features, extensive details on forts, Indians, mountains, rivers, and all sorts of other early information. In this regard, the map is equal, if not superior, to most contemporary American Atlas maps.