A marvelous early panorama of Boston, with grand emphasis on the Public Garden, the Providence and Worcester Railroad terminal at Park Square, the State House, and the Bunker Hill Monument.
While Boston had been the subject matter of many engravings, this is the first true bird’s-eye view of the city. John Bachman was notable for being America's first truly prolific bird's eye view artist and employing his meticulous mathematical technique to capture the grandeur of America's major cities. Bachmann created two Boston views, the other titled Boston Bird’s Eye View from the North (1877).
Reps states that Bachmann's views “executed during the decade of the 1850s are particularly outstanding and are justifiably regarded as among the finest American views to be found.” Curiously little is known about Bachmann, who published his first view of New York in 1849. He likely emigrated from Europe around the time of the revolutions of 1848. His work concentrated on major cities, including Hoboken, New Orleans, New York, and Philadelphia, but he is also well known for a series of six striking bird’s eye views of the Confederacy published during the Civil War.
This state of the view shows Bachmann as the publisher. There is a different state showing Williams & Stevens as the publisher.
Boston and Beyond, p 58-59 (pl. 8)
Reps, Views and Viewmakers, #1366.
See also Case, “John Bachmann and the American Birds Eye View Print.” Imprint vol. 33 no. 18, p. 19-35.