An attractive antique map of Syria, embellished with a decorative cartouche including a camel. The map stretches from Damascus to the Anatolian Peninsula and extends to Mesopotamia in the east, showing the Euphrates. The cities shown include Aleppo, Antioch and the coastal cities of Tripoli, Tyrus, Berytus and Aradus. The various regions of Syria are shown, including Phoenecia and part of the Arabian desert. Mountain ranges, forests, and rivers are scattered throughout the map.
Attributions of date and author in this edition are uncertain though likely. This version is particularly attractive, with its understated colors, elegant cartouche, and cultivated designs.
Cornelis de Bruyn , 1652-c.1726 was a Dutch portrait painter and traveler.
De Bruyn painted for some years in Italy, where he was known, in Rome, as Adonis. Bruyn is remembered chiefly for the records of his extensive travels in Egypt, Persia, India, and other countries, illustrated with his own designs.