Nazi-German Relief Map of Africa for the Blind.
A map of Africa on two separate sheets of thick paper prepared to be used by the blind with embossed topography; striated embossed lines representing the ocean; raised, dotted lines representing political borders; raised lines for rivers; and embossed braille letters for toponyms. The map has been hand-annotated by a contemporary hand in ink so that all of the features are legible to the sighted as well as the blind.
According to the title block, the map was prepared by Lehrmittel-Verlag for the Marburg Institute for the Blind in 1941.
Most of the toponyms are denoted by one or two braille letters.
The map was prepared for the Marburger Blindenstudienanstall, which was then and is now the national institute for the blind in Germany:
During the First World War, many young men with visual impairments or total blindness returned home. Due to their disability, many were no longer able to work. The then director of the Marburg University Eye Clinic, Alfred Bielschowsky, set up courses in 1915 to provide the blind for the blind with access to aids and the learning of blind techniques. He commissioned the then student Carl Strehl to lead the courses. Together they founded the Association of Blind Academics of Germany and made contact with personalities of the Prussian state to promote funds and support.
First of all, the integration of the blind into working life and finishing school was the primary goal of the institution. In 1921, the grammar school was officially recognized. In order to provide young blind people with a qualified education and training, special learning and teaching materials were needed, which were provided by the emerging Braille printer and the library.