Provocative pictorial map, showing the spread of fascism in South America in early part of the 20th century.
The map introduces three primary antagonists, the German, Japanese and Italian Businessmen, with darker images of the spread of Nazi and Fascist influences and domination throughout the continent.
As noted on the Cornell University website description for this map:
This satirical map from Ken Magazine in 1938 attacks the commercial, cultural and military intrusion into South America by the "gangster governments" of Germany, Italy and Japan, "fascist mobsters" who have "muscled in." Cartoon figures show details of the Axis activities in countries across the country.
Ken was a controversial anti-fascist magazine, first published in April 1938. It was distinguished by unusual and powerful graphics like this one and a number of articles on the Spanish Civil War by Ernest Hemingway. The magazine failed in August 1939 as a result of wariness by advertisers and a boycott by the Catholic Church (Baptista 2009, 109-115).
John Groth
Native Chicagoan John Groth became the first Art Director for Esquire Magazine in 1933. Over the years he became one of the most accomplished and best known American illustrators. He went to Europe during World War II as a correspondent and artist for The Chicago Sun. His first story was the liberation of Paris, in which he got a scoop by riding in the first jeep to enter the city.
Groth covered five other wars, including Vietnam. He considered his best work to be his illustration of a Heritage Press edition of ''All Quiet on the Western Front.''
His work is in collections around the world, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Art Institute of Chicago.