Carta Esferica que comprende Desde El Morro De Sta. Marta en la costa del Brasil Hasta el Cabo de San Antonio en el Rio el la Plata . . . presentada a S.M. or el Exmo. Sr. Conde de Salazar Consegero de Estado y Secretario de Estado y del Despacho Universal de Marina . . . 1831
All of our maps are authentic antique maps, printed or drawn on or about the date shown in the description. In rare instances when we offer facsimiles, we will specifically describe the map as a later facsimile and include the date of publication. Certificates of Authenticity are included with each item.
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Scarce Spanish Sea Chart of the southern coast of Brazil and the Rio de la Plata, published by the Spanish Hydrographical Department.
The chart includes large insets of Montevideo, Buenos Ayres and Puerto Maldonado.