Scarce regional map of Friuli, published in Venice by Francois Santini.
Unlike many of the maps in Santini's atlas, this regional map of Italy is not drawn from De Vaugondy and is based upon Italian sources, in this instance, a recently created map ordered by the 7 Deputies of the City of Udine.
The map provides fine detail in both the Alpine and coastal regions, but is particularly noteworthy for the fine graphic depiction of the mountains and Valleys in the north.
Includes a large inset of "Le Territoire de Cadore."
One of the most detailed maps of the region published in the mid-18th Century.
Paolo Santini (1729-1793) was an Venetian engraver known especially for his religious prints and fine cartographic engravings. He published in Venice and may have a been a member of the clergy. In his maps, he largely adopted and adapted the work of his French counterparts, especially the brothers de Vaugondy.