Map of Cima Mining Claims
The birds-eye view, which is signed by A.E. Mitchell and printed by the Denver Engraving Co., shows the Arcalvada and Death Valley Claims in Cima (now the ghost town of Kelso). The view shows a train on the Salt Lake Short Line and Santa Fe Route, the small train station in what is now Kelso, and a wagon route. Other claims indicated in the view are: Cleopatara, Cottontail, Mollie Gibson, Missouri Girl, Excelsior No. 2, April Fool, among several others. The Kelso Depot is clearly the 1924 building, which replaced the original 1905 building. Located in the Mojave Desert, on the Kelso Cima road, the Kelso Depot is now on the National Register of Historic Places.
A printed subscription blank of the Arcalvada M. & M. Co. is included. Other items accompanying the bird's-eye view include a [4]-page promotional market sheet dated Oct. 15, 1906, a by D. Mackenzie & Co., Inc., specialist in mining securities located in Goldfield, Nevada; and an unused North Union Gold Mining Co. stock order blank issued by the R. D. Robinson Company of Los Angeles in 1905. A small illustrated "Motor Tramming" ticket is also included in the group.
Such ephemera issued for obscure mining concerns in the Mojave Desert are quite rare in the market.