Detailed map of Southern Spain, the Straits of Gibralter, Morocco and North Africa, illustrating the narrative of Francis Brooks' captivity.
Francis Brooks was an Englishman who was enslaved by the Moors at the end of the 17th Century. After his escape, he wrote a narrative of his captivity, which detailed the practices of the slavery and a part of the slave trade in the region. This map illustrated Vander Aa's Dutch Translation of Brooks' narrative. In all, Vander Aa issued 130 translations of important 15th, 16th and 17th Century Travel Narratives to the America, Africa and Asia, which were issued in 28 volumes in the early part of the 18th Century. Many of the narratives are either unobtainable or extremely rare in their original formats. Striking full color example of this beautifully engraved map.
Pieter van der Aa (1659-1733) was a Dutch mapmaker and publisher who printed pirated editions of foreign bestsellers and illustrated books, but is best known for his voluminous output of maps and atlases. Van der Aa was born to a German stonecutter from Holstein. Interestingly, all three van der Aa sons came to be involved in the printing business. Hildebrand was a copper engraver and Boudewyn was a printer.