Very Early Colonial Charleston, South Carolina Land Document
Signed by a Woman, with "Her Mark"
An original land document from colonial Charleston, South Carolina. The document is partially printed, and largely completed in manuscript. Charleston was still "Chareles Town" on the present land indenture document. It did not adopt its present name until 1783.
Lease document by William Holmes, a mariner of Charles Town, and his wife Ann, of 250 acres of land to Thomas Woodin, Weigher & Gauger of His Majesty's Customs, of Charles Town.
Notably signed by both William Holmes and Ann Holmes, the latter with "her mark" (i.e. a cross). Also signed by Thomas Smith and John Sansum, as witnesses.
The property was located in Colleton County about two miles from the Edisto Saw Mills and was bounded by property owned by the Saw Mills Company, Captain Reeves, and vacant property.
The property described, and the document dated as follows:
Between William Holmes, Mariner & Ann Wife to said William Holmes of Charles Town in said province of the one Part, and Thomas Woodin, Weigher & Gauger of his Majestys Customs of Charles Town of the other Consideration of the Sum of Ten Shillings .. current Money of the said Province, to him in Hand well and truly paid, by the said Thomas Woodin of Charles Town in said Province...
...a certain Tract or parcell of Land Containing Two Hundred and Fifty Acres best more or less near About two Miles from the Saw Mills, Situate & lying and being in Colleton County Bounding North East on Captain Reeves' Land N. West on Lands belonging to the Edisto Saw Mills Company. The other two Sides being Vacant Land & hath such Shape and Form & Marks as Appeareth by a platt thereof to the Grant annexed, signed by his Excellency the Right Honble. Lord Charles Greville Montagu, Captain Generall & Commander in Chief & Gover[nor Generall] aforesaid Province, dated the third day of July, Anno Domini, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy Two.
Original documents from colonial South Carolina from such an early date are rare in the market.