Virtually Unobtainable View of Salt Lake City
Rare early birdseye view of Salt Lake City by Bond & Chandler of Chicago, published "by John P. Sorenson, Proprietor of the Valley House, Salt Lake City."
The view is oreinted and centered on the Tabernacle, with Southeast at the top, with Red Canyon Butte and Fort Douglas at the top left and the Jordan River at the bottom right.
On the verso is an Image and promotional text for the Valley House, Opposite the Temple, "Best Family Hotel," including a description of "Mark Twain's Idea of What a Hotel Should Be."
Includes a list of about 85 points of interest on the view, described as "All Prominent Points of Interest and Leading First Class Business Firms".
The view is extremely rare. Reps list a single example (Utah Division of State History), which may only be a photographic reproduction.