Vasilii Piadyshev's map of Georgia, featured in his Geograficheskii atlas Rossiiskoi imperii, tsarstva Pol'skogo i velikogo kniazhestva Finliandskogo (Geographic Atlas of the Russian Empire, Kingdom of Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Finland), is a notable piece of 19th-century cartography.
Developed by Russian military cartographers during the early part of that century, the map gives an in-depth view of Georgia's landscape and socio-economic conditions of the period. The map shows population centers differentiated by size into five categories, providing a clear understanding of the distribution of settlements across Georgia. It also includes marked fortresses and redoubts, underlining the strategic and defensive aspects of the region.
Roads are another integral part of the map, with four different types clearly demarcated. This shows the extent of the transport network and suggests the region's level of connectivity. Borders of provinces and districts are also well-marked, showing the administrative divisions within Georgia. The map identifies 27 distinct districts, giving a sense of the complexity of the region's administrative structure.
The map also marks the locations of plants and factories, indicating areas of industrial activity during that period. This offers insights into Georgia's economic conditions during the early 19th century.
Distances on the map are shown in versts, a traditional Russian unit of measurement, which speaks to the cultural and historical context of the map's creation.
In summary, Vasilii Piadyshev's map of Georgia from his Geographic Atlas is a detailed document of the region's geography, administration, infrastructure, and industry in the early 19th century. It provides a rich source of information for those interested in the history and geography of the region.
The map is very rare. This is the first we have offered the map sale.
Piadyshev was the cartographer at the Military-Topographical Depot of His Imperial Majesty's General Staff, during the production of the first systematic survey or Russia, with maps published between 1820 and 1827.
Piadyshev's Geograficheskii atlas Rossiiskoi imperii, tsarstva Pol'skogo i velikogo kniazhestva Finliandskogo (Geographical Atlas of the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Finland . . . ) was the first atlas of its kind - both comprehensive and accurate - depicting an empire that stretched from the Vistula River to the Pacific Ocean. It is credited to Col. Vasilii Petrovich Piadyshev (1768-1835), who served with distinction in the Military-Topographical Depot of His Majesty's General Staff. The sheets were published between 1820 and 1827; the work underwent revision in 1828-1829 and was reprinted in 1834. The atlas is composed of 60 maps, including a general map of the empire.
Curiously, the atlas is not constructed on a consistent scale and does not use the same projection on all maps. Each sheet describes administrative boundaries, rivers, roads, urban and rural settlements, and a variety of other details. Distances are in versts (1 verst = 1.07 kilometer). On each sheet, placenames are rendered in Russian and in French transliteration.
The atlas reflects the detailed mapping carried out by Russian military cartographers in the first quarter of the 19th century. The map shows population centers (five gradations by size), fortresses, redoubts, roads (four types), provincial and district borders, plants, and factories. Distances are shown in versts, a Russian measure, now no longer used, equal to 1.07 kilometers. Legends and place-names are in Russian and French.
The atlas underwent revision in 1828-1829, and was reprinted in 1834.