Rare promotional map of the vicinity around the city of Madison, published about 2 years prior to Madison becoming a City.
Delineates the city streets, roads and railroads into town and extends to include Middleton, Fitchburg, Rutland, Pleasant Springs, Cottage Grove, Blooming Grove, Westport, and Burke. Legend identifies important buildings including the State Capitol and Wisconsin University. A table translates five Indian words into English ("Me no na" is Fairy Lake). Three existing railroads (to Milwaukee, Mississippi, and Chicago) and two proposed railroads are shown, one to Fond du Lac, and the other to Portage and Lake Superior. Map has a surveying grid with named townships and ranges.
Also shown are projected railroads to Watertown, Fond du Lac, Portage and Lake Superior. The Four Lakes shown are Mendota (Great Lake), Memoma (Fairy Lake), Wanbesa (Swan Lake) and Kegonsa (Fish Lake).
It is possible that the map was prepared by Governor Farwell in 1854, according to one reference source ( Madison, Dane County and Surrounding Towns . . . 1877, at page 206) .