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This unusual Russian-language map, titled "Места добычи важнейших металлов и камней," showcases the extraction sites of the most important metals and stones around the world. Published in Leipzig by Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus around 1890, the map is written in Russian, which is unusual for maps of this topic and time period.

The main focus of the map is the locations where various important metals and stones were mined or extracted, such as gold, silver, copper, iron, and precious gemstones. The map features detailed illustrations and labels for each site, highlighting the regions and countries where these valuable resources were found.

The key provided with the map includes the following categories:

  • Золото (Gold)
  • Платина (Platinum)
  • Серебро (Silver)
  • Медь (Copper)
  • Железо (Iron)
  • Свинец (Lead)
  • Олово (Tin)
  • Ртуть (Mercury)
  • Каменный уголь (Coal)
  • Соль (Salt)
  • Алмаз (Diamond)
  • Сера (Sulfur)
  • Графит (Graphite)
  • Фарфоровая глина (Porcelain Clay)
  • Минеральные ключи (Mineral Springs)

This map offers a fascinating insight into the global distribution of valuable metals and stones during the late 19th century, and it serves as a valuable historical resource for understanding the development of the mining industry at that time.