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This compelling map, titled "Промышленная Карта Европы" (Industrial Map of Europe), provides a comprehensive view of the various industries, natural resources, and agricultural activities across Europe during the late 19th century.

Created by Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus and published in Leipzig around 1890, the map is written in Russian, which is unusual for maps of this subject and time period. It features a detailed key that highlights a range of industries, resources, and agricultural activities present in Europe during this era.

Some notable entries in the map's key include:

  • Преобладmamie Горные (Predominantly Mountainous Areas)
  • Виноградъ (Vineyards)
  • Черноземъ въ Россіи (Black Earth Soil in Russia)
  • Свекловица (Sugar Beet)
  • Скотоводство какъ Преобладающее занятіе (Livestock Farming as the Predominant Occupation)
  • Табак (Tobacco)
  • Золото, Серебро, Медь (Gold, Silver, Copper)
  • Лѣсъ (Forests)
  • Тундры и болота (Tundra and Swamps)
  • Шелковица (Silkworms)
  • Пробковый дубъ (Cork Oak)
  • Маслина (Olives)
  • Пальмы (Palms)
  • Желѣз0 (Iron)
  • Апельсины, Лимоны (Oranges, Lemons)
  • Каменный уголь (Coal)
  • Соль (Salt)
  • Минеральныя воды (Mineral Waters)

Different colors and patterns are used to differentiate between various industries, resources, and activities, making the map visually engaging and easy to comprehend.

While the map may contain some inaccuracies and biases due to the knowledge and attitudes of the late 19th century, it remains a valuable resource for historians, economists, and anyone interested in understanding the historical development of Europe's industries, agriculture, and natural resources. As a historical artifact, it offers captivating insight into the evolving understanding of the European economy and its relationship to the environment.

Condition Description
Minor offsetting and toning.