Stock# 90127
Double hemisphere map of the World, accompanied by portraits of a number of the most important 16th and early 17th Century explorers.
Atop the map are portraits of Ferdinand Magellan (with his ship the Victoria at the top left) and Willem Schouten (with his ship the Eendracht at the top right).
At upper left is Ferdinand Magellan (circunavigated 1519-1522). At upper right is Willem Schouten (615-1617). Down left Francis Drake (English, 1577-1580) and Olivier van Noort (Dutch, 1598-1601). Down right Thomas Cavendish (English, 1586-1588) and Joris van Spilbergen (Dutch, 1614-1617).
The map shows the Schouten-Spilbergen route.