Origins of the World: Intriguing French Cosmogonic Atlas
The Enlightenment was obsessed with questions of "origins," with scholars examining the beginnings of early societies, the history of early religions, even spontaneous generation. In the history of the universe, with its complex networks of interdependence, cosmogonies have occupied a special place for philosophers throughout the ages. The present beautifully printed French atlas appears to be a pedagogical aid issued during the rule of Louis XVI, in efforts to explain such connections.
The use of the term "Monde Primitif" in the title makes it quite clear the purpose of the atlas relates to the origin of the world. The opening plate is an engraving which juxtaposes the eruption of Vesuvius with an image representing the Cosmoconie de Buffon, visually evoking the Big Bang Theory. The fascinating mix of images and maps includes a Cassini style map of the moon and an unusual map illustrating Philippe Buache's theories on mapping the mountain chains of the world, and juxtapositions of various natural phenomena. The various maps herein continue the theme.
This fascinating teaching atlas includes:
- Three celestial hemispheres
- Orion Nebula - Mebuleuse d'Orion . A beautiful image
- Cassini map of the moon
- 3 World maps (ancient and modern)
- Persian Gulf Map
- 4 Caspian Maps
- 3 European maps, including a map during the Reign of Louis XVI.
The maps:
Mappe-Monde Physique d'apres Buache.
Carte de l'Allemagne Moderne, Pour Servir a son Histoire.
Carte de la Province d'Utrecht et des Pays Adjacents, Pour Histoire du Monde Primitif.
Carte de la France Sous le Regne de Louis XVI.
Carte du Monde Primitif a l'epoque de la fondation des premiers Empires connus.
Premiere Revolution de la Mer Caspienne ou Carte qui Indique son Etendue vers le tems de la Populations primitive de l'Asie.
Seconde Revolution de la Mer Caspienne ou Carte de Ptolemée
Troisieme Revolution de la Mer Caspienne ou Carte d'Abulfeda.
Quartrieme Revolution de la Mer Caspienne ou Carte du Czar Pierre le Grand
Derniere Revolution de la Mer Caspienne
Carte du Golfe de Perse
This unusual atlas is rare in the market. This is the first example we have seen.