Scarce 19th-century Mexican Railroad Map
A detailed map of the proposed route of the Mexico to Toluca and Cuautitlan railroad route. The map shows the proposed route from Mexico City to Toluca, via Tacuba, Naucalpan, and Laguna Lerma; with a branch route to Cuautitlan passed Atzcapozalco.
Mariano Riva Palacio had served as the governor of the State of Mexico and was intimately involved in planning and developing this railroad project. Santiago Mendez served as the main engineer or mapmaker, assisted by Miguel Iglesias, Cleuterio Mendez, Angel Bezares, and Juan Martin.
The map is quite detailed and notes many towns and villages along or near the proposed route. The map includes a longitudinal profile of the route.
The lithography on this map was by Salazar, one of Mexico's most prolific 19th-century lithographic establishments.
This 19th-century Mexican map is rare. Not a single example is noted in OCLC.