Rio de Janeiro-Published Map by one of Brazil's Greatest Botanists.
Rare map of the Trombetas River in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, prepared in connection with the explorations and writings of João Barbosa Rodrigues (1842-1909), one of Brazil's most important botanists.
The map shows the course of the Trombetas River to the point where it joins the Amazon at Oriximina.
Rodrigues undertook the first of his botanical expeditions in 1868. In 1871, he was commissioned to explore the Amazon basin and study palms, in part due to sponsorship by Austrian-born Guilherme Schüch, the Baron of Capanema, who was responsible for the first telegraph line laid in Brazil. Rodrigues' 1871 expedition lasted more than three years, resulting in a diverse examination of indigenous plants, animals, and Indian artifacts.