Finely detailed map of the area around Môle-Saint-Nicolas and Bahie du Môle, illustrating the area following the failed attempt by the French to re-settle Acadians in the region in 1764.
The map provides a detailed depiction of the area, inlcuding elaborate fortifications,batteros roads and town plan.
Christopher Columbus' first voyage to the Americas landed at the site of what is now Môle-Saint-Nicolas on December 6, 1492.
Môle-Saint-Nicolas was given its name after France gained control of the western part of Hispaniola in 1697. Vestiges of colonial forts can be found in several locations: Batteries de Vallières, Fort Georges, Saint-Charles, La Poudrière, Le Fort Allemand, Les Ramparts. Ruine Poudrière is an old magazine built sometime in the 1750s.
In 1764, after the Grand Dérangement resulted in the exile of thousands of Acadians from their northern homelands, the French attempted to settle the Acadians at Môle-Saint-Nicolas, to strengthen its Saint-Domingue colonial enterpris and build a base that could be used by the French Navy. However, the effort was a disaster, and many settlers died, with most of the survivors fleein to Louisiana.