U.S.-issued Newsmap for the events of World War II during the week June 5 to June 12, 1945.
The map focuses on East and Southeast Asia, with "Action Closeups" insets of Luzon ("Yanks push North on Luzon"), Borneo ("Allied troops in new Borneo landings"), Vietnam-China border ("Japs fall back toward Fr. Indo-China Border").
The main caption for the map notes:
American forces smashing into southern Okinawa prepared to scribble finis to one of the greatest battles of the Pacific campaign. The war in the Pacific, mounting in an unprecedented intensity, sent Australian troops this week into British Borneo while mighty armadas of American B-29s pounded Japan's industrial and commercial centers. Keeping pace with the Allied offensive against Japan, Chinese troops this week raced from the north and wets to within striking distance of airbase cities in southern China. Indo-China offensive continued with Chinese spearheads less than 10 miles away.
On the other side is a fantastic high-contrast red and black poster image of the "V" for victory hand gesture superimposed on the word "SAVE". The caption for the poster reads:
Supplies wasted through carelessness and abuse must be replaced. That takes time, material, manpower, and shipping space needed for MORE guns, MORE ammunition, MORE gasoline, tanks and planes TO WIN THE WAR SOONER
An impressive image from the Newsmap series.