Rare political broadside, expressing support of the PRG and Khmer Rouge.
The PRG (Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam) with the Khmer Rouge regime and its leader, Norodom Sihanouk.
The PRG sought to give a formal governmental structure to the Vietcong and enhance its claim of representing the people of South Vietnam. This included seeking a negotiated settlement to the Vietnam war leading to reunification.
During 1969–70, the PRG was primarily based along the Cambodian border, but was later forced by American and South Vietnamese offensives to seek refuge in Cambodia. The PRG maintained diplomatic relations with members of the Non-Aligned Movement (Algeria, Yugoslavia, China and the Soviet Union). After the fall of Saigon, the PRG assumed power in the south and worked toward Vietnamese unification.
We acquired this poster in Maine and suspect that it was published by a pro-PRG American group in the early 1970s, a time when there was support on the American left for withdrawing American support for the Lon Nol led Cambodian Government, which led to US withdrawal of support in 1975.