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America as Atlantis?  -- "The Ocean shall loosen the bonds of the world, and the vast Earth shall lie open, , and Tiphys shall discover new worlds. . . " (Seneca)

Detailed map of the Western part of the Roman Empire, extending from Greece to the Atlantic, with the British Isles in the north.

 Translated from Latin, the title suggests: "Historical Theatre in the four hundredth year of Christ in which both the state of the Roman Empire and the Barbarians residing around are presented to the eye, the Western part . . .". This map provides a vivid window into the world of the 5th century, through the lens of the early 18th century.

This large-scale, meticulously detailed map illustrates the western part of the Roman Empire around 400 A.D., a period steeped in historical significance as the empire was in its declining phase, plagued by invasions from various 'barbarian' tribes.  

The map shows a vast expanse from Britain in the north to the northern fringes of Africa in the south, and from the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Black Sea in the east. It is intricately detailed, with territories divided among the Romans and various Germanic, Celtic, and other tribes, reflecting the turmoil and dynamic changes of this period. De L'Isle's attention to detail is evident in his meticulous representation of the various tribes such as the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, and Franks, highlighting the extent of their influence and territories at the time. 

America as possibly being the lost civilization of Atlantis

The map includes the following notes in Latin:

Americam Gerardus Mercator, Abrahamus Ortelius et ali Atlanticam Platonis Insulam esfe arbitrati sunt: arbitratus est et Guillelmus Sanson Geographus Regius, qui et ejus Mappam non inclegantem publicavit, in qua Insulam decem Neptuni filiis ex Platone distributam exhibuit et unicuique filio fortem as suam assignavit.

Translation:  "Gerard Mercator, Abraham Ortelius, and others have considered America to be Plato's Atlantic Island (Atlantis). William Sanson, the Royal Geographer, also held this view, and he published a not ungraceful map on which he exhibited the Island divided among Neptune's ten sons, according to Plato, and he assigned a specific lot to each son."

This passage reflects the speculation of some of these early cartographers that the newly discovered Americas could be the location of the lost island of Atlantis as described by Plato.  

A second passage below the cartouche reads:

Venient annis Saecula seris, quibus Oceanus Vincula rerum laxet, et ingens Pateat tellus, Tiphysque novos Detegat Orbes nec sit terris Ultima Thule. Sen. in Medea

In America repertum esse Numisma Caesaris Augusti nomine et imagine signatum ab iis qui auri quaerendi gratia terras effodiebant. asserti L. Marineus Siculus lib. XXIX. tit. 16. argumento, ut inquit ille, ad Indos olim pervenisse Romanos. Sit penes Auctorem fides.

Translation:  In future years, generations shall come in which the Ocean shall loosen the bonds of the world, and the vast Earth shall lie open, and Tiphys shall discover new worlds, and Thule shall no longer be the furthest land." – Seneca, Medea

"A coin bearing the name and image of Caesar Augustus is said to have been discovered in America by those digging in the earth in search of gold. This is affirmed by L. Marineus Siculus in book 29, title 16, as evidence, he says, that the Romans once reached the Indies. Let the credibility rest with the author." 

Phoenician Sea Travel and Discoveries in the Atlantic Ocean

Phænices qui Gadiram inhabitant dum extra Columnas Herculis navigarent, ad Regiones quasdam applicuere ulva algaqiplenas quæ aftibus maris rigabantur. Arist in admirand.  Oceani intransmeabilis ulteriores fines cuiquam transfretare, quia resistente ulvâ non licuit et ventorum spiramine quiescente impermeabiles esse sentiuntur. Jor. de Reb. Get

Translation:  The Phoenicians, who inhabit Gadir, while sailing beyond the Pillars of Hercules, came upon certain regions full of seaweed and algae that were washed by the waves of the sea. Going into the admirable Ocean, they found it impassable, unable to cross its furthest limits, as the resisting seaweed did not permit, and with the calming of the wind, they felt it to be impassable. Jor. de Reb. Get

This text seems to be discussing the Phoenicians and their seafaring activities beyond the Pillars of Hercules (a term that the ancient Greeks used for the promontories that flank the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar), with an emphasis on certain geographical and oceanic phenomena.  

The Fortunate Islands

Fortunatas Insulas (quæ ad quinque gradus longitudinis ad minimum extenduntur) Ptolemaeus ponitsub eodem Meridiano

Translation:  "Ptolemy places the Fortunate Islands (which extend at least to five degrees of longitude) under the same meridian."

This passage indicates that Ptolemy, the ancient geographer and astronomer, depicted the Fortunate Islands (Canary Islands) on his geographical charts or writings to be under the same meridian and extending to at least five degrees of longitude.

Roman Consul Suetonius Paulinus, a Roman consul crosses the Atlantic Ocean

Suetonius Paulinus quem Consulem vidimus, primus Romanorum Ducum transgresfus Atlantem aliquot millium spatio, prodidit de excelsitate quidem ejus quæ cæteri etc......Decumis se eo castris pervenisse et ultra ad Aluvium qui Niger vocatur per Solitudines nigri pulveris eminentibus interdum velut excustis cautibus loca inhabitabilia servore, quanquam hyberno tempore experto Plin. lib.V.C.I.

Translation:  "Suetonius Paulinus, whom we have seen as Consul, was the first among the Roman leaders to cross the Atlantic by some thousands of miles. He reported on its exalted nature which others etc... He claimed to have arrived there by the tenth camp and beyond to the alluvial (floodplain or riverbed) region called Niger through desolate areas of black dust, with cliffs occasionally seeming to have been thrown up, places uninhabitable due to heat, although experienced during winter time. Plin. book V. C. I."

The reference "Plin. book V. C. I." is most likely to Pliny the Elder's "Natural History", Book V, chapter I. However, without the complete context, it is challenging to provide an absolutely precise translation, and some parts of the text ("quæ cæteri etc.") are not clear.

Roman Conquest of Fezzan under Cornelius Balbus

Ad Solitudines Africa supra Minorem Syrtin dictas, versa. Phazania est (hodie Regnum Fezan) ubi gentem Phazaniorum urbesque Alelen et Cillabam subegimus Omnia armis. Romanorum superata, et a Cornelio Balbo triumphata. Plin.l.v.c.5.

Translation: "Towards the deserts of Africa, named above the Lesser Syrtis, is Phazania (now the Kingdom of Fezzan), where we have overcome the tribe of the Phazanians and the cities Alelen and Cillabam. All [of these] have been overcome by Roman arms, and triumphed over by Cornelius Balbus. Plin. Book 5, Chapter 5."

This passage suggests that the Roman forces, under the command of Cornelius Balbus, conquered the region of Phazania (known as Fezzan today), including the tribe of the Phazanians and the cities of Alelen and Cillabam. The reference "Plin. Book 5, Chapter 5" likely refers to Pliny the Elder's "Natural History".


Covens & Mortier Biography

Covens & Mortier was one of the largest and most successful publishing firms in Dutch history and continued in business for over a century. Pierre Mortier the Elder (1661-1711) had obtained a privilege in 1690 to distribute the works of French geographers in the Netherlands. After his widow continued the business for several years, Cornelis (1699-1783) took over in 1719.

In 1721, Mortier forged a partnership with Johannes Covens (1697-1774), who had recently married Cornelis’ sister. They published under the joint name of Covens & Mortier. In 1774, upon the death of his father, Johannes Covens II (1722-1794) took over his father’s share. In 1778, the company changed its name to J. Covens & Zoon, or J. Covens & Son.

Covens II’s son, Cornelis (1764-1825), later inherited the business and brought Petrus Mortier IV back into the fold. Petrus was the great-grandson of Petrus Mortier I. From 1794, the business was called Mortier, Covens & Zoon, or Mortier, Covens, & Son.

The business specialized in publishing French geographers including Deslisle, Jaillot, Janssonius, and Sanson. They also published atlases, for example a 1725 reissue of Frederik de Wit’s Atlas Major and an atlas, with additions, from the works of Guillaume Delisle. There were also Covens & Mortier pocket atlases and town atlases. The company profited from acquiring plates from other geographers as well. For example, the purchased Pieter van der Aa’s plates in 1730. Finally, they also compiled a few maps in house. At their height, they had the largest collection of geographic prints ever assembled in Amsterdam.