Interesting map of Italy, reporting the outcome of the election of June of 1900.
Elections were held in Italy on June 3, 1900, with a second round of voting on June 10, 1900. The left wing "ministerial" party won 296 of the 508 seats in the Italian Parliament, who are shown in blue.
The map is colore coded to show the political parties of the prevailing parties:
- Ministeriali (blue)
- Opposizione Constituzionale (green)
- Repubblicani e radicali (red)
- Socialisti (yellow)
In order to explain the map, the premise of the Italian political system must first be understood. In 1900, the Parliament of the Kingdom of Italy was composed of two houses: an appointed senate and an elected (with non-universal male suffrage) Chamber of Deputies. Each deputy was appointed by a regional Electoral College, and the total of deputies varied in number over the years. Votes from the Electoral College were proportioned according to the number of votes they received from each district. Elected deputies came from a number of parties, but they could be grouped into four main alliances, of which the "monarchical" or "liberal and democratic" coalition was the strongest.
This map was published as part of the magazine L'Illustrazione Italiana, issue 24 of the 17th of June, 1900.