18th Century Sicilian Green Pass! -- Certificate of Good Health Upon Entering Palermo
Rare certificate attesting that a crew was found to be in good health and not contaminated by the “epidemic illness” Italy, Sicily, Palermo, July 29, 1730.
The text and manuscript on the verso is in Italian.
Document from the Senate of Palermo signed by two hands, declaring that the crew of the San Antonio which docked in the port of Palermo from the island of Ischia (La Marticana) on its way to trade in Spain in Alicante, is in good health and is not contaminated by epidemics. The crew members, totaling 8 sailors, are listed: Lorenzo Massel, “54 years old, hair [mis. ?]”, Pietro Julian, “22 years old, brown hair”, Giovanni Pietro Cuvet, “19 years old, brown hair, tall”, Francesco Martineng[o], “14 years old, brown hair, tall”, Luigi Amelio, “32 years old, brown hair”, Giovani Battista Filipparzi, “45 years old, brown hair, tall”, Bernardo Filipparzi, “14 years old, brown hair, tall”, and Giovanni di Santo Piloto di Costa, “35 years old, brown hair, tall” who must stay in Alicata, and their captain, Antonio Manfredi, "37 years old, hair [...] big".
The xylography reproduced at the top of the page represents Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin, the popes and various tutelary saints (including Saint Rosalie) on clouds above the city of Palermo, as a sign of protection, with on the sides the arms of the city of Palermo (Gules an eagle crowned with lowered flight or holding in its claws a streamer Argent), and those of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
The seal with the coat of arms of the city of Palermo is preserved at the bottom of the page.
The note in Italian on the back of the document reads: “In Alicata Tredici Agosto 17settantacinque. Vista in questa predetta città un libera, e sicura prattica commercio premio l'Interrog.lio asenere degl'ultimi ordinide Euma Gente Deputazne di Salute in queste [...] Potente che [...] per essere in Barcellona, e suoi passaggi col suo piano di fare at prese in questo Rege Caricadore, con aver lasciato [...]”. The text relates the different stages of the journey from May 23 to August 21, 1775.