Marvelous regional map of Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, showing the early county configuratrions, towns, roads and Indian details.
The northern portion of Illinois is largely unsettled, with a massive Joe Davis County running the width of the Territory and a note showing the Indian Boundary of 1829. The easternmost county below Joe Davis is unnamed. A proposed Canal from Chicago to the Illinois River is shown. Missouri's northern counties are also largely incomplete and unnamed. The Northern portion of Indiana is a massive Putawatomies and Miamis Reserve. The region west of the Mississippi and North of Missouri is the Sioux District and is traversed by the R. des Moines.
A wonderful early map of the region. Based in part by information derived from Henry Schenk Tanner, who receives credit in the lower left corner of the map.
Information key notes abbreviations for Bridges, Court Houses, Churches, Creeks, Forks, Lakes, Mountains, Post Offices, Points, Springs, Swamps & Villages, Indian Villages, Forts, etc.