Scarce English map of the Holy Land, extending into the adjoining Middle East and eastern Mediterranean. The map was published by John Senex in London around 1716.
The events depicted are based on Genesis, Chapter I. The early peoples mentioned in the Bible are located on the map, as are important settlements.
In the lower-left of the map is an inset titled: "The Incampments of the Israelites in the Desart."
The map appeared in Senex's Sacred Geography Contained in Six Maps, in the editions of 1716 and 1725. The view was later copied in reduced form by Seale, in the 1730s.
John Senex (1678-1740) was one of the foremost mapmakers in England in the early eighteenth century. He was also a surveyor, globemaker, and geographer. As a young man, he was apprenticed to Robert Clavell, a bookseller. He worked with several mapmakers over the course of his career, including Jeremiah Seller and Charles Price. In 1728, Senex was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society, a rarity for mapmakers. The Fellowship reflects his career-long association as engraver to the Society and publisher of maps by Edmund Halley, among other luminaries. He is best known for his English Atlas (1714), which remained in print until the 1760s. After his death in 1740 his widow, Mary, carried on the business until 1755. Thereafter, his stock was acquired by William Herbert and Robert Sayer (maps) and James Ferguson (globes).