Engraving of a room guarded by two sphinxes with an orrery, a woman, and three attendant cherubim. In the background is a view of the solar system, showing Mercury, Venus, Earth with its moon, Mars, the asteroids Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, and Juno (thought to be planets at the time), Jupiter with four moons, Saturn with seven moons, and Uranus with six moons.
This celestial chart was published in The Wonders of the Heavens, being a popular view of astronomy, including a full illustration of the mechanism of the heavens; embracing the sun, moon, and stars, with descriptions of the planets, comets, fixed stars, double stars, the constellations, the galaxy, or Milky-Way, the zodiacal light, aurora borealis, or northern lights, meteors, clouds, falling stars, aërolites, &c. : Illustrated by numerous maps and engravings, published in Boston by Duncan Bradford, Samuel Griswold, Samuel Goodrich and John B. Russell in 1837.
The engravers for the work are James Archer and George W. Boynton.