Vintage wall map of the global petroleum industry of the 1950s.
The yellow circles show the key regions that produce oil, with the size of the oil rig towers representing the amount of crude oil produced. The red areas are the operating oil fields while the green regions are sedimentary lands that are likely to contain petroleum. The gray arrows show the primary exportation routes throughout the world for petroleum products.
A number of inset maps contain further interesting detail, such as a map showing the change in petroleum distribution as a result of the Suez Crisis in 1956, and maps of Venezuela, the United States, and the Middle East locating current pipelines, pipeline projects, and refineries.
The two graphs show the change in oil production between 1900-56 in the key regions, as well as the evolution of the primary sources of energy (coal, oil, natural gas, and hydraulic power) worldwide during the same time period.
The map was printed by Imp. Lafayette.