The First Printed Map of Norway to Show the Whole Country.
Rare late state of this important map of Norway. Representing the earliest map to show Norway alone and include its whole territory, this map was published by the important French Sanson publishing house and is neatly designed in an attractive French-school style.
Ginsberg says of the map:
"This map by Guillaume Sanson is the fourth map of Norway alone. It is also notable as being the first map of Norway to show the entire country, instead of slicing off the northernmost part"
Ginsberg continues by discussing the sources used by Sanson in the making of the map, He suggests that the Blaeu 1662 map of Norway was certainly an influencing factor, although the shape of the coastline is more accurate than in Blaeu's map. He also suggests that the Telemark region west of Norway is left relatively blank, which follows the Blaeu Scavenius map. Ginsberg also comments that the subdivisions of governments shown are, unlike Blaeu, not based on religious bishoprics. Instead, Sanson chooses to delimit regions according to the fortresses where governors resided.
To accompany this map, Sanson also made six regional maps of Norway, showing "Aggerhus," "Bergenhus," "Dronthemhus [south and north]," "Wardhus," and "Bahus." These are apparently very rare, as we have only ever had one example of the Bergenhus map.
The earliest recorded state is a proof state, from 1667. Later states were issued in 1668, 1675, 1699, 1704 and a final state dated 1747. This the c. 1699 state, with "Chez L'Autheur" replacing a Pierre Marriette adress.
Scandia: Important Early Maps of the Northern Regions. Ginsberg 54.
The son of famous French cartographer Nicolas Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1703) carried on his father's work. Like his sire, he was a court geographer to Louis XIV. He often worked in partnership with another prominent cartographer of the time, Hubert Jaillot.